AnyDesk am Apple Mac einrichten

Geändert am Mi, 14 Okt, 2020 um 11:25 NACHMITTAGS

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Note: Applies for Mojave and Catalina only.

AnyDesk may only receive sessions when Accessibility and Screen Recording permission is granted by the macOS system.
Add AnyDesk to trusted apps in order to work correctly.

permission reminder
AnyDesk requires security permissions from macOS for remote input, screen recording and disc access.
Click Configure to open macos system preferences and set permissions for AnyDesk accordingly.
system permission request
Click System Preferences to open Security & Privacy
macOS system preferences
1. Unlock Security & Privacy by clicking the lock.

2. Switch to the Privacy tab.
3. Grant required permissions by adding AnyDesk to trusted apps in section Accessibility,Full Disk Access and Screen Recording.

Note: Permission for Full Disk Access is optional, but required to use the File Transfer Mode.

Accessing system preferences manually

Set the permissions for AnyDesk in the Privacy Tab of Security & Privacy.
Security & Privacy is located in System Preferences on MacOS.
There are several methods to get there:

Apple Menu
Apple Launchpad
Click the Apple menu and choose

System Preferences...

Type System Preferences

in the Launchpad and confirm with enter.

Apple Dock
Open System Preferences from the Dock.

Original Englisch:

With macOS Mojave/Catalina, it is required to allow AnyDesk explicitly to control your device, you'll be prompted to do so automatically when running AnyDesk, it is however rather easy to miss this.

If this happened to you, please go to "System Preferences", "Security&Privacy", "Privacy", "Accessibility" and add "Anydesk" to your list of trusted apps. 

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